Articles -
Books -
Other Media
A few articles and compilations representative
of the activities of the Laboratory are given below. Articles
consist of scientific reports; compilations consist of a thematic
assemblage of scientific materials providing a general view
of the state of knowledge in specific fields
- Aubekerov,
B., Sala, R., Nigmatova, S. 2003. 'Changes of Atmospheric Circulation, Paleoclimate and
Paleogeography in the Tienshan-Balkhash System', PAGES news, vol. 11,
No2-3. (download pdf)
- Aubekerov B.Z., Koshkin V.Y., Sala R., Nigmatova S.A. and
Deom J.M., 'Prehistorical and Historical Stages of Development
of Lake Balkhash'. In: Watanabe M. and Kubota
J. (eds.), 2010. Reconceptualizing Cultural and
Environmental Change in
Central Asia: An Historical Perspective on the Future.
Proceedings of the International Workshop (Kyoto, Japan 1-2
February 2009), Kyoto-Research Institute for Humanity and
Nature, Ili Project, p.49-76
(pdf )
- Sala R., Deom J.-M., Nigmatova S., Endo K., Kubota J. 'Soviet,
recent and planned studies of the behavior of the Balkhash
lake'. In: News of the National Academy of Sciences of
Kazakhstan, series of Geology and Technical sciences, Vol.2,
№416, 2016, pp.76-86
- Sala, R., Aubekerov, B.Z., Deom
J.-M., Geography and cultural landscapes of Kazakhstan.
Published in German:
Renato Sala and Bolat Aubekerov, 'Geografie und
Kulturlandschaften in Kasachstan'. In: Th. Stollner and Z.
Samashev (eds.), Unbekanntes Kasachstan. Archäologie im
herzen Asiens. Band I. Katalog der Ausstellung des Deutschen
Bergbau-Museums Bochum 26 Januar -30. Juni 2013, Bochum,
2013, p. 41-54.(pdf )
Ancient land and water use
- Clarke,
D., Sala, R., Deom, J., Meseth, E. 2005. 'Reconstructing
irrigation at the Otrar Oasis, Kazakhstan 800-1700 AD' in
C. Oligh (ed.)
Integrated Land and Water Resources Management in History,
Schriften der Deutschen Wasserhistorischen Gesellschaft (DWhG),
Sonderband 2, Siegburg,
pp . (pdf)
- Sala
R. (2003). Groundwater galleries in Middle East and Central
Asia. (pdf)
- Sala
R., Deom J.M., The 261 Karez of the Sauran Region (Middle
Syrdarya), in: Transoxiana (Online Journal), №13, August 2008,
- Sala
R., Deom J.M., Clarke
D. (2010) 'The “Karez” of the Sauran Region (Turkestan oasis).
In: Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, Vol 10, No
4, p. 656–663.[ pdf]
- Sala
R., Deom J.M.,
'Evaluation of the ratio of natural and anthropogenic forcing
in the regression of the Aral sea during the Medieval Warm
Period'. In: PAGES GOA 2013, 4th OSM (13-16th Feb), Program
and abstracts, OSM13: Past Warm Periods Informing the
Anthropocene, p.113.
Poster in pdf
- Sala R. 2017 Ancient Water Mining in Tunnels and
Wells in West Central Asia. In: A.N. Angelakis, E. Chiotis,
S. Eslamian, H. Weingartner (Eds.). Underground
Aqueducts Handbook,
Ch. 20, London:
CRC Press), pp. 333-359. (pdf)
- Sala,
R., Deom, J. (2005) Bronze Age human habitats of Semirechie.
In: Vsia Asia No
6, Almaty (in English and Russian).
- Geoarchaeological
survey of Eastern Pamirs (4000 m asl)
(html document)
- Sala,
R., Deom, J. (2009).'Ancient Wild
Game Management in Arid Regions: New Evidences from the
Northern Ustyurt Plateau (Kazakhstan)'
In: Nauchnye
chteniya pamyati N.E. Masanova:sbornik materialov
nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii Almaty, 25-26 Aprelya 2008,
Almaty, Daik-Press: 135-141.(pdf
- Deom J.-M., Aubekerov B., Sala R., Nigmatova
S. 'Quaternary Evolution of the Human Habitats in the Ili-Balkhash
Region from Paleolithic to Modern Times'. In:
Toward a Sustainable Society in Central Asia: An Historical
Perspective on the Future.
Proceedings of the International Workshop, Almaty,
9-10 January 2012, Kyoto, 2012, p.49-58.
Rock art
- Sala,
R., Semiological methods in rock art studies. In: Rol
nomadov v formirovanii kulturnogo naslediya Kazakhstana:
sbornik materialov mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskoi
konferentsii (Masanovskie chteniya – 2009) Almaty, 23-24
Aprelya 2009 g., Almaty, 2010. (In print)
- Sala R
(2012) 'Semantic study of images of bulls and horns in the
petroglyph tradition of western Central Asia', Historic
cultural heritage and modern culture. Proceedings of the
International Scientific-Practical Seminar. Almaty (Service
Press), p.105-113 [pdf]
- Sala, R., Deom, J. (2016) Spatial analysis of the Kuljabasy
archaeological complex. In: (A. Saduakasuly, B.Baitanaev,
B.Zheleznyakov, eds), Drevnosti Zhetysi. Pamyatniki
arkheologii Zhambulskogo rayona [Semirechie antiquities.
Archaeological monuments of the Zhambyl district], Almaty, p.
73-87 [pdf]
- Sala R., 'The
Medieval urbanization of Semirechie'.
In: Watanabe M. and Kubota
J. (eds.), 2010. Reconceptualizing Cultural and
Environmental Change in
Central Asia: An Historical Perspective on the Future.
Proceedings of the International Workshop (Kyoto, Japan 1-2
February 2009), Kyoto-Research Institute for Humanity and
Nature, Ili Project, p.117-150.
(pdf )
R.,'The Medieval Urbanization of Northern Central Asia and the
International Monetary System'. In : Geologiya v XXI veke.
Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii“Satpaevskie
chteniya”. Almaty 14-15 April 2011 [Geology in the XXI
century. Proceedings of the scientific conference "Satpaev
readings", Almaty 14-15 April 2011]. Almaty, 2011, p.425-430. (pdf
Cultural diffusion
- Sala R., 'The
Spread of Buddhism From Gandhara to South, West and East Central Asia (I BC - XIV AD)'. 2017 publication (pdf)
- Deom J.-M.
'Buddhist sites of Afghanistan and West
Central Asia'. Article submitted to
International Workshop on Gandharan Heritage, Islamabad,
Pakistan, 1-3 December 2010 (pdf)
- Deom J.-M., Islamization and Early
Sufism in Central Eurasia during the Pre-Mongolian Period
(8th-13th centuries AD) (pdf)
Didactic compilations
- The
Climatic System
- Geoarcheology
in Kazakhstan: paleogeography, paleoclimate, location of monuments
- Historical
survey of irrigation practices in west Central Asia
- Underground
water galleries in Middle East and
Central Asia (TEXT)
- Survey,
study and protection of cultural properties: operational
- Baibatsha,
A.B., Aubekerov, B.J. (2003) Quaternary
geology of
Niz Flym (in Russian)
- Rogozhinsky,
A. (ed) (2004) Rock Art sites of
Asia: documentation, conservation, management, community
participation. Almaty, NIPI PMK
(hard copy in Russian, CD in English). Pages
176, color photos pp 20. Price of hard copy plus mailing: 23
EURO; selling contact:
- Sala,
R., Deom, J.M. (2017)
Geoarcheologiya aridnoi zony: na primere Kazakhstana [Arid
land geoarchaeology with study cases from Kazakhstan],Almaty,
"Kazak Universiteti"
206 pages.

- Sala,
R., Deom, J. (2005) Petroglyphs of
Almaty, Lab of Geoarchaeology
(in English and Russian). Pages 150, color photos 112.

New sale online! Full-colour guide to the rock
art sites of south Kazakhstan, consisting of text, photographs, maps and
bibliography. The best book on the subject.
A5 format, 150 pages, 112 colour photographs.
On sale at:
For ordering the book through
the authors, send an e-mail:
The price for the hard copy plus the mailing: 25 EURO.
In preparation:
- Alan
Medoev: selected works. Almaty, Lab
of Geoarchaeology (in English)
- Sala,
Deom, Aubekerov (eds) (2010)
Men and waters in the development of the Turkestan
civilization. Almaty,
Lab of Geoarchaeology, Almaty
(in English and Russian)
- "The
works of Alan Medoev and the present geoarchaeological
researches in
Celebration of 70th anniversary of the birth of A
Medoev (16-IV-2004), Conference hall of the Institute of
Geology, Almaty
- "Petroglyphs
of South Kazakhstan".
Almaty Gallery Myn Oi, May 2004; Chimkent Regional Museum,
June-July 2004; Turkestan Ahmed Yasawi Mausoleum,
August-September 2004; Astana, January 2006
Press articles
- 'Avoiding
the next Central Asian water-level catastrophe' in
2009, p.14
(download article)
- 'Save
Lake Balkhash!' in TENGRI (Air Astana magazine), 3 (20),
May-June 2009, pp.100-103
- Channel-4
& National Geographic (2005) Going to extremes: the Silk
Routes -
Documentary (54 minutes), part 2. Keofilms, director Mat
Dickinson. Next shown on National Geographic. Links:
4 History of the Silk Route;
Middleton's website
- 'Central
Asian lake under threat' (2009) Reportage by Robin Forestier-Walker
for Al-Jazeera (,